Prenatal Home Visit
At a 90-minute prenatal visit, we'll talk about:
What the first hours of your baby's life might look like with regard to breastfeeding
What you can do to protect the "golden hour" - your first opportunity to establish a primal extra-uterine connection with your baby
The importance of maintaining the integrity of your baby's microbiome, skin-to-skin contact and early and frequent nursing
What your partner can do to help facilitate breastfeeding and how to avoid or manage early discomfort
What the signs are that your baby is drinking colostrum and eventually transitional milk from your breasts

Postpartum Home Visit
At a 2 hour home visit, here's what happens:
A full medical, pregnancy and birth history will be taken (the day before we meet)
Observation of a full feeding
Pre- and post-feed weighing to determine intake from your breasts, if needed
Attention to comfortable positioning and latch technique
Comprehensive oral and structural exams
Observation of a pumping session, flange-fitting and milk storage education
Nutritional support for your milk supply and postpartum wellness
Education around bottle feeding, including positioning, pacing and teat options
Creation of a sustainable feeding care plan, with your input, that will evolve as feeding improves